Monday, November 8, 2010
Children learned how to dance old Estonian dance Õige ja Vasemba, which means Right and Left and made a video of the dance steps. They sent the video to all partner schools so that children from other countries could learn how to dance it. In fact, children learned a lot of Estonian folk dances but this one was chosen to be presented to the partners. Children danced it together at the International Chilldren`s Folk Dance Festival in France.
Estonian site visit
The teachers also visited the city Town Hall where they were welcomed by the Pärnu vice mayor Jane Mets.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Estonian site visit
The programme of the visit was rich in events. The partners teachers visited not only the school. They also visited the kindergarden Pöialpoisid where they could see that in Estonia children from the very early age know and love Estonian folk culture. The kids in the kindergarden showed the guests the folk programme they prepared for the children`s song and dance festival (Laste laulu ja tansu pidu).
Estonian site visit
In May 2010 teachers from Turkey, France, Italy and Bulgaria visited Estonia, Parnu and were the guests of Parnu Russian Gymnasium. The children prepared a small concert where they sang Estonian folk songs and danced Estonian folk dances for the guests. After that the children invited the teachers to dance with them and taught them how to dance.